How to make grilled squid

Squid are one of the most delicious sea delicacies. If you don’t want to complicate your life with a very elaborate recipe and enjoy this typical Spanish tapa, we recommend that you keep reading.

Squid has an exquisite flavor and does not require many tricks to make it taste great, serving as a starter, side or main without problem. Do you want a simple, healthy and delicious recipe? In this article we explain how to make grilled baby squid, start enjoying one of the traditional dishes of Spanish gastronomy and suck your fingers.


  • 1 kilo of fresh cuttlefish.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Chopped parsley.
  • 1 glass of white wine.
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

  1. Make Grilled squid is very easy and above the necessary ingredients are very few, it is also safer than have on hand and home. The first and fundamental thing is that you buy some fresh squid, so that the recipe is perfect it is better that they are not frozen.
  2. Once you have them done, we recommend that you serve them and eat them, it is a dish that is very delicious freshly prepared and if you reheat it, it loses a lot.
  3. To prepare this recipe for grilled squid you will have to clean them well before cooking. It is the most cumbersome and expensive part of all the preparation, but it is absolutely essential. Clean the entire interior of the squid and remove the white feather that they have along. If you are not very clear about the process, in our article how to clean squid we will explain it step by step.
  4. When you have them clean, place them on absorbent paper so that the traces of water are eliminated and they cook better. This is very important because if there is water left, instead of being grilled, they will end up cooked.
  5. For the squid to take on an even more intense flavor, a good recommendation is to let them rest with a little salt and minced garlic. While the water is absorbed, and the baby squid soak in the garlic flavor, it is worth preparing the dressing.
  6. Take a bowl, cut the garlic cloves and mash them. Put the garlic, chopped parsley, white wine and oil into the bowl and stir well. There should be a sauce with all the ingredients very well complemented.
  7. Then put the iron on the fire, dry the squid well with paper and make a couple of longitudinal cuts so that when you put them on the iron they do not bulge. When the oil is well heated, add the squid.
  8. You should cook them over high heat for a couple of minutes. When they are almost done, take the previously prepared dressing and pour over the baby squid, let them cook together for a maximum of 1 minute more. And they are ready to eat and enjoy. When you place them on the plate, you can eat them alone with the prepared parsley dressing and even accompany them with a delicious homemade garlic oil. Be that as it may, they are simply delicious.

SeaFoodTasty Staff

SeafoodTasty blog is a one-stop source for information about seafood, including recipes, the health benefits of a diet with seafood and commitment to Responsible Choice seafood and sustainability.

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