How to make sole for children

The children should eat fish to get the nutrients that have these foods, essential for growth. However, many children do not want to eat fish because they do not just like its texture or taste, so in this recipe, we tell you how to make children eat fishing giving you some ideas that will help you know how to make sole for children, a fish with a mild flavor and that you are sure to love.

Sole gratin with prawns.

This recipe is perfect to get your children to eat fish without hardly realizing it. It is a delicious mixture of sole with prawns and béchamel that simulate delicious cannelloni but made with fish.

Ingredients needed:

  • 750 gr. boneless sole fillets.
  • 200 gr. peeled prawns.
  • 1 spring onion.
  • Chopped almonds.
  • Bechamel.
  • Fried tomato.
  • Grated cheese.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

To know how to make sole for children following this recipe we will have to season the sole fillets and cook them a little in the pan with a splash of oil. Separate the sole and, using the same oil, sauté the prawns with a pinch of salt; Set aside when done and fry the onion cut into small pieces in the same pan.

Next, place the sole in a baking dish smeared with a little oil and pour some fried tomato on top of them. Next, spread the prawns and onion over the tomato and cover everything with a little béchamel sauce. Add the nuts and sprinkle on the grated cheese.

The oven should be previously heated to 190 degrees, put the tray in the oven and let it cook for about 10 minutes. They will suck your fingers!

Sole flumequines.

Another idea for you to know how to make sole for children is to cook them like flumequines, a recipe with which the little ones will lick their fingers and enjoy the same as if they ate breaded chicken.

Ingredients needed:

  • 4 sole fillets.
  • 200 gr. of York ham.
  • 200 grams of cheese to melt.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 egg.
  • Bread crumbs.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.

To make this fish recipe for children, the first thing is to sauté the chopped onion in a pan with a little olive oil. Next, we season the sole fillets and put a slice of York ham on top and a slice of cheese on top; we close the sole forming a roll with it to be able to make our flumequine.

Next, we pass the fillet in beaten egg and coat it with breadcrumbs. In a frying pan with plenty of oil, we should fry our flamingos and set them aside when we see that they are golden brown. They are yummy!

Sole with yogurt and mushroom sauce.

A good way to get children to eat sole is to camouflage the flavor with delicious sauces that slightly diminish the flavor of the fish and perfect for your children to eat with appetite.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • 2 fillets of sole.
  • 1 natural yogurt.
  • 100 ml. cream.
  • 200 gr. mushrooms.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • Olive oil.
  • Parsley.
  • Salt.

The first thing we should do is wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices; then we will chop the onion and garlic into very fine pieces. In a frying pan we will have to pour these ingredients and cook them until the onion is golden brown; then, we will add the cream and the yogurt to the pan, sprinkling a pinch of salt. Let everything cook for about 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

In a different pan we will add a little oil and we will put the sole fillets to grill. When they are ready, we will remove them from the heat and pour the sauce that we have cooked over the fish. Your children will want to repeat!

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