How to make breaded shrimp

The breaded or breaded shrimp (also known as Milanese shrimp) are an elite dish, the most requested in coastal restaurants. It is a delicious recipe that, in addition, you can easily make from home. Therefore, in this article we are going to show you this simple recipe so that you can learn how to make it yourself quickly. Read on and discover how to make breaded shrimp in easy steps.


  • Prawns.
  • Eggs.
  • Breadcrumbs or flour.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Oil for frying.
  • Lemon.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

  1. The amount of shrimp that we are going to buy depends on the number of diners. It doesn’t matter if the shrimp are frozen, they serve the same. If we buy them complete (with the shell) we must clean and peel them, that is, remove the head and the skin that covers them so that only the meat remains. The bigger the shrimp, the better, so we deny less to clean them and eat more.
  2. Once we have the shrimp clean, the rest is easy: we season them with salt and pepper, in abundance. At the same time in a bowl we place two eggs and beat them.
  3. We pass the shrimp through an egg but not all together, but in small groups and then we breach them, each passing through breadcrumbs. Some people use flour instead of breadcrumbs that is up to everyone’s taste.
  4. Once we breaded that first group of shrimp, we immediately took them to the fryer and cooked them. The fire should not be very strong, so the bread does not burn so quickly.  Once the bread is golden, the shrimp are ready. While some are cooking, we continue preparing the others, and so on until finished.
  5. To eat these delicious shrimp breaded or breaded, ideally season them with spicy tomato sauce with lots of lemon or soy sauce (as seen in the main image). And ready!  Now you can get ready to enjoy a delicious and perfect dish for any time of the day.

SeaFoodTasty Staff

SeafoodTasty blog is a one-stop source for information about seafood, including recipes, the health benefits of a diet with seafood and commitment to Responsible Choice seafood and sustainability.

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