How to make baked cod

For fish lovers, we bring you a most traditional baked cod recipe for the most exquisite palates. The cod is a fish of the most versatile, how to prepare it that we propose is very simple, but the result cannot be more tender and delicious. In this article we tell you how to make baked cod, with a few simple steps you will have a healthy and nutritious meal.


  • Fresh cod loin.
  • Garlic clove.
  • Parsley.
  • Olive oil.
  • Bread crumbs.
  • Grated emmental cheese.
  • Oregano.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

  • To begin with the preparation of this recipe for baked cod, we are going to put the oven to preheat to 180ºC and while it is getting ready we can prepare all the ingredients. We take the garlic clove and crush it together with a tablespoon of olive oil and a little parsley.  Next, take the cod fillets and brush the garlic, oil and parsley mixture with a brush.
  • Once the cod loins are painted, prepare a tray to bake the fish. Take the container and place parchment paper, and place the cod on top. Then take the bread and the grated Emmental cheese and sprinkle it over the top. Take the olive oil and water all the fish.
  • Once you have put the oil, put the tray in the oven for about 20 minutes. Go looking from time to time to see how it is done and be careful not to do too much. To make it slightly toasted on the surface layer, we recommend that you put the oven to gratin for about 5 minutes.
  • Once the baking time has passed, put a little oregano on top before serving, while it is still warm so that it adheres well to the cod. And even for the final touch, sprinkle on some more Emmental cheese.

SeaFoodTasty Staff

SeafoodTasty blog is a one-stop source for information about seafood, including recipes, the health benefits of a diet with seafood and commitment to Responsible Choice seafood and sustainability.

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