How to cook hake roe

Do you want different recipes to cook hake roe? Well, keep reading, we are going to propose different ways to prepare this delicacy. There are many ways to taste roe: fried, smoked, raw, battered, in sauce … We are going to discover 4 different ways to make and enjoy this tasty and special dish. If you want to make a dinner and surprise your guests, it can be a great option. In this article, we tell you how to cook hake roe.

Hake roe with vinaigrette sauce.

We started with a recipe for hake roe with a vegetable vinaigrette sauce. To prepare this dish we need:


  • Cold water.
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • 670 grams of fresh hake roe.
  • 1 branch of dill.

To make the vinaigrette:

  • ½ red pepper.
  • ½ green pepper.
  • 1 spring onion.
  • Dill.
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil.
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
  • Salt and pepper.


You have to put the roe in a saucepan with water until they are covered. Then add salt, dill, vinegar and cook on medium low heat for about 15 minutes. You should then drain well. Remove the skin from the roe, take plastic wrap and cover them on both sides by pressing a little. Then put it in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

To make the sauce, you must chop the vegetables, put in a bowl with salt, oil, vinegar, a little dill, mix well and let it rest.

Once the cold weather has passed, you can remove the paper and cut the roe into slices.  Place on a plate moistened with olive oil and mark them on both sides. Take out and serve the vinaigrette on top.

Floured hake roe.

We continue with a recipe for floured hake roe, very simple and quick, perfect as an aperitif. For this dish, you need very few ingredients.


  • 250 grams of hake roe.
  • 2 tablespoons of flour to coat.
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Parsley for garnish.
  • 1 lemon (optional).


Start by having all the ingredients close by to make this recipe. The second thing you should do is pass the hake roe through water, dry them with paper and divide them into two pieces. Then, put the flour in a deep dish to coat.

Take the two pieces of roe, go through the flour and add salt. Heat a pan with oil, and fry on both sides. After this, you can leave them on a plate to absorb the oil, decorate with a little parsley and drop a few drops of lemon (if you like the flavor).

Hake roe with ginger aioli.

Another way to cook hake roe is to prepare it with two delicious ingredients: aioli and ginger. Discover this delicious recipe!


  • ½ glass of vegetable oil.
  • 1 kilo of fresh hake roe.
  • ½ lemon.
  • 1 small piece of fresh ginger.
  • ½ clove of garlic.
  • 1 egg.
  • Sea salt.
  • Seaweed salt.


To start we have to chop the seaweed salt and mix it with the hake roe. Work by hand, and let it soak in for at least 10 minutes. Next, with a brush you have to paint the plate with oil. Afterwards, you can place the roe in the pan and let it cook carefully, and turn with a spatula so it does not break.

Meanwhile, you can prepare the ginger aioli, put oil in a mixer, the egg, the half garlic, the ginger, the lemon drops and the sea salt. Beat gently, and you have your delicious alioli. And now you only have to serve.

Hake roe with tomato sauce.

And we finish the culinary recommendations with this recipe for hake roe with tomato sauce, spices and coconut noix.


  • 300 grams of cooked hake roe.
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil.
  • 1 onion.
  • Salt.
  • 200 milliliters of homemade tomato.
  • Various spices (basil, rosemary, oregano or whatever combination you prefer).
  • 1 cube of coconut noix.


The first thing is to cut the roe into rings of about 3 cm. Next, peel the onion and cut it very thin. Afterwards, you must fry until it is poached. You must add tomato, spices and let it boil. Finally, add the cooked roe, the noix and let it cook for about 3 minutes.

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