How to cook cod

The cod is a fish highly nutritious and versatile you can make countless recipes. One of its advantages is that it is low in fat, making it a good option for people who want to maintain a healthy diet. Despite the fact that it is easy to cook, many people are left without trying its properties since they do not know how to prepare it. In this article we will explain how to prepare it at home and enjoy its rich flavor. Read on and discover how to cook cod.

Nutritional properties of cod.

Cod is a white fish, and its meat is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9, D, E and A. All these vitamins have carbohydrates, proteins and fats that contribute to the formation of red blood cells and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Cod al pil pil.

If you buy a piece of cod and you don’t know how to prepare it, an easy way to do it is al pil pil. You only need 3 potatoes, 1 onion, garlic, oil, salt, parsley, chili and water.  Potatoes need to be cleaned and baked in oil for half an hour. Place the cod in a large saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Peel the garlic and fry it, cut the chili into slices and add them. When they are golden, remove from heat and reserve. Place the cod in a pan and add warm oil little by little, at the same time you must stir the pan, add the chili and garlic. Serve the cod al pil pil with the baked potatoes. For more details, don’t miss our recipe on how to make cod al pil-pil.

Cod omelet.

Another very easy option for a delicious dinner is to make a cod omelet. For this you will need half a kilo of desalted cod, 2 green peppers, 2 small onions, 6 eggs, olive oil, salt, parsley and garlic. Finely chop the garlic and julienne the onions and peppers Porcha in a pan. When the vegetables turn a golden color, add the cod and cook for a few minutes. Beat the eggs, they should be thrown into the pan, add the parsley, and let the eggs set. Then, fold the mixture like when you make a French omelet, you can also make it like the traditional potato omelet.

Cod with tomato.

A very easy recipe to cook cod is cod with tomato. You only need this white fish, frying flour, olive oil, salt, onion and 1 kg of ripe tomatoes. Flour the cod and pass it through oil.  In a separate frying pan, fry the onion, and peel the tomatoes into small squares, let them poach. When ready, add the fried cod for a few minutes and leave it until the mixture thickens.


  • When you buy the cod, if you see that it is yellow, it is already old and if the pieces are very white, the cod may have been washed with sodium.
  • To desalt the cod, it must be placed in cold water at least 24 hours before its preparation.

SeaFoodTasty Staff

SeafoodTasty blog is a one-stop source for information about seafood, including recipes, the health benefits of a diet with seafood and commitment to Responsible Choice seafood and sustainability.

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