How to make a grilled cuttlefish

Cuttlefish is a mollusk that can be cooked in numerous ways, but one of the healthiest, least caloric and richest in flavor is grilled. In addition, this recipe is very simple and quick to prepare. If you don’t know how to make a grilled cuttlefish, in this article we give you a few simple steps to create an exquisite dish.


  • Sepia.
  • Garlic.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Olive oil.
  • Chopped parsley.
  • Salt.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:

  1. To make a grilled cuttlefish, you have to prepare the product well. With your hands, remove the inner and outer skin, the thorn and the ink bag. Once these elements are removed, you should wash the cuttlefish well with a good stream of cold water.
  2. With a knife, cut the cuttlefish into two parts like a “fillet”. With the tip of the knife, mark the two “fillets” that you have previously prepared with small cuts. This way you will get the cuttlefish to cook better.
  3. Take a frying pan, add a splash of oil and put it to heat. To make grilled cuttlefish, it is important that the oil is very hot. Once we have seasoned the cuttlefish, we add the two fillets to the pan and wait about 3 minutes for them to brown.
  4. We chop two cloves of garlic into small slices and add them to the pan. When they are well browned, we remove them from the heat and reserve.
  5. Take some parsley leaves cut into very small pieces and add a little lemon juice. Once the mixture is ready, sprinkle the cuttlefish with it and add the garlic.
  6. We can now serve the grilled cuttlefish and decorate the plate if we wish, with some parsley leaves. To taste the grilled cuttlefish, we can accompany this dish with  mayonnaise or aioli sauce.

SeaFoodTasty Staff

SeafoodTasty blog is a one-stop source for information about seafood, including recipes, the health benefits of a diet with seafood and commitment to Responsible Choice seafood and sustainability.

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